General Predictions on the Coming Greatest Wealth Transfer in History
Bullion TP is going to foolishly take a stab at where we generally see things are headed in the coming years (maybe months?) as the dollar is continually debased and the old central bank fiat system implodes on itself. We say foolishly as predictions are almost always wrong, whether on substance or on timing. Regardless, we do think these general, high-level predictions of the coming periods surrounding monetary change will come true in some similar form. We fundamentally believe that the greatest wealth transfer in history is about to occur and that it is generally tied to precious metals price suppression, allowing nearly anyone to purchase precious metals at greatly discounted prices now, and the coming events that cause the dam of precious metals price suppression to break wide open. In our view, The Patriots are the ones who will hold the majority of the precious metals and will therefore be the ones to decide much of the monetary and economic future of the United States.
Bullion TP sees the following events occurring in specific periods:
Build Up Period — This is occurring now. The unsustainable debt, endless currency creation that is now being given directly to the People resulting in rapid inflation, naked political and business corruption, institutional rot, wealth disparity increases, and societal divisions continue to worsen. More people who previously did not pay much attention or believe any of this was happening wake up and start purchasing precious metals due to fear of the erosion of purchasing power and out of fear for what the future holds. Patriots have either already stacked for years/decades or start stacking aggressively as they realize the gold and silver bugs are not crazy, but they may have been early. The mainstream starts to get wind of the escape hatch to save wealth.
Crypto will play a role in this but many crypto investors may be disappointed due to wild swings in price and anticipated central bank/government crackdowns. The central bank/government believes they have the precious metals situation under control with their mechanisms they have utilized to manipulate their price for decades if not a century or more in place now so their focus is on crypto, not something crypto investors will enjoy. The buy/sell price of physical precious metals begins the early stages of decoupling from the paper spot price, which we are already starting to see.
Chaos Period — Events start to happen rapidly and dominos start to fall. Major institutions and public figures that the general public trusted are revealed as liars, criminals, and grifters — or worse. Many institutions, some centuries old, fail. The old decrepit systems start to fail. Many people suffer but they also learn life lessons. Politics is kicked into disarray and the only folks with any answers to how to fix things are the Patriots as they knew was wrong all along. The globalists and their handmaidens are stuck obsessed about distraction issues (that are largely not issues) while those who can actually build, fix, and repair things step up to do so.
The decoupling of precious metals ask market prices from the spot price escalates. Real physical shortages emerge. Dealers are unable to source supply to match demand so trading amongst peers is the majority of the precious metals trade. At some point, the precious metals manipulation mechanisms fails and the paper market, the LBMA, the Bullion Banks, and the Central Banks and their globalist institutions either fail or are exposed as failures and liars to the general public who has started to demand precious metals and drive the price even further to the moon. Perhaps more supply comes online but it won’t satiate public demand for an exit pod from USD.
Central banks may attempt to remonetize gold and silver, but by the time they do their credibility and public support will be eroded to the point of no return. They will likely release their own Fed crypto currency to compete with private crypto, which may, depending on the timing, see some initial acceptance, but Patriots and many others will reject its usage. FedCoin may be backed by gold or silver but this will not matter much as trust in the Fed will be gone. Patriots will have the majority of the new wealth in their hands as it continues to rise in value and others want it. (Where will you sell precious metals if you want to purchase other hard assets or income properties? See Here.).
Private crypto may do well — it will almost certainly have large swings up, but there will also be lessons of its weaknesses, not that gold and silver do not have some weaknesses as currency of their own as well (mostly logistics and storage). Expect central banks to influence/control governments to ban crypto or make it very difficult to transact in. Discussion of how to fix this mess begins and it centers around precious metals as a backing to currency. The extent to which crypto is included in this conversation is dependent on how well it does during this period, not only in price run ups, but in stability of value and acceptance and usability among the general populace.
New Monetary Regime Establishment Period — There becomes widespread acceptance in greater society that the central banks (specifically the Federal Reserve) have failed. Acceptance of the corruption, incompetence, Oligarchic manipulations, and how many in society had been nothing more than pawns or useful sock puppets for Oligarch machinations sets in. The People demand reform and the establishment of systems to protect their wealth and a return to the Constitutional principles that made the United States of America the greatest country in the world. Patriots and much more honest politicians are elected after election reform (real election reform removing fraud) is enacted. Calls for a modern Bretton Woods like conference start to be heard, this eventually happens and the new monetary regime, backed by precious metals as demanded by the People, is sketched out and it’s implementation begins.
It is possible that a new form of crypto backed by precious metals evolves as managed by the Treasury but it may also be simply currency minted in gold and silver, it is up to the People and as they have a larger voice as they will hold the precious metals, the Patriots. The Federal Reserve and its sister globalist institutions are defunded and dismantled. If we are smart, we build monuments as lessons to future generations to never allow money printing in private hands ever again in any form for any reasons whatsoever.
Precious metals likely continue to rise during this time period and may be seeking the price at which the new monetary regime pegs them at, which will need to be high to establish credibility and acceptance among the now greatly distributed precious metals holders in society. Patriots will remain in control as the great wealth transfer continues. (Again, where are you going to sell to diversify into other hard assets or income-producing properties? See Here.). Once some level of agreement is reached, the transition to the new currency begins. Precious metals holders may be asked to exchange their gold and silver for either the new backed currency or to be melted down into the new physical Treasury-issued currency. Many will balk at this and trust and transparency are the only way it will be accomplished, if it even is. In addition, some benefit must be present to precious metals holders to even agree to do such a thing. Only people of historical knowledge of human behavior around real money should be leading this effort for it to be successful, not paid-off “economist” hacks. The Treasury retains its historical role of managing monetary issues for the benefit of the People and it answers directly to the President of the United States with no complications or interfering parties.
Stability Period — Assuming most eventually acquiesce to the new monetary system, not perfect but a large improvement over the Federal Reserve grift, over time we exit the chaos and return to some semblance of normalcy. If patterns from the past repeat, precious metals backed currency will result in unprecedented economic growth and prosperity for the People. Absurd laws meant to protect the aggregated wealth interests that we deal with today will be dismantled and free enterprise will be encouraged and fostered. Only fools will long for the corruption, incompetence, divisions, and idiocy of the past.
The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History will have occurred and rewarded the most those who know their history, patterns of the past, and prepared accordingly. The Patriots will be the largest beneficiaries of this wealth transfer as those who are not Patriots who tried to get in on it who are the big money corrupt ones of today will be in jail or dead, society having been exposed to the truth about them and tolerating their insufferable nonsense no longer. No, it will not be heaven and we will still struggle with countless difficulties inherent with the human condition, but a system based on fairness to the People will be established where self determination, merit, hard work, good values, and support for one’s country matters again, instead of corruption, nihilism, dishonesty, globalization, and adherence to hypocritical and destructive theories of nonsense that are co opted by the Oligarchs.
Conclusion: While we are positive that nothing happens exactly as predicted, we do believe that this outlines a general path of where we are all headed as a society around monetary issues. With an eye towards the future, Bullion TP’s founder has based the entire business model of Bullion TP and future build plans around serving the current and future wealth of Patriots holding precious metals. Unlike so many businesses of today — especially Big Tech businesses as outlined here, we will not discriminate against customers who do not agree with our values or seek to punish them as this is not the American way. We look forward to a brighter future together but today we work together to accumulate real money to ensure that future becomes a reality.
We’d encourage our readers, especially Patriots, to check out our Golden and Silver Ticket Promotion (absolutely free) that will save you a good amount of money when and if you look to sell any of your precious metals in the future for diversification into hard assets, income assets, or for personal economics needs. This will help you keep more wealth in the future and it will help us now by having more users, which in turn will help us attract great sellers for your accumulation now.
Together we will build this future together.
Bullion TP