The Gold and Silver of The Israelites: The Tabernacle
After the Israelites fled Egypt and were cast into the wilderness, God instructed Moses to build a Tabernacle, a large portable tent, to be entrusted to the priests of Aaron for the purposes of being a place for God to dwell among the Israelites during their journey to what would become Israel. The bible provides very detailed descriptions of the amounts of precious metals utilized for the Tabernacle’s construction and these amounts in modern times can be converted into modern denominations and valued accordingly.
The precious metals assembled for the tabernacle are described in detail in Exodus 35–38 and summarized in Exodus 38:21–30. These materials were weighed in talents, a unit of measurement utilized by many ancient civilizations including the Hebrews, Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans. While the weight of a talent varied across different civilizations at different time periods, the Hebrew talent is estimated to equal 30 kilograms. It is stated in Exodus 12:35 that the Egyptians gave gold, silver and ornaments to the Jews when they departed Egypt as many of the Egyptians had become friends and even family with the Jews that left, having been living amongst each other for 430 years (Exodus 12:40).
The total quantity of gold collected for the Tabernacle was approximately one ton. The silver quantity collected for the Tabernacle is estimated at 3 3/4 tons. There was bronze of 2 1/2 tons and the golden lampstand in the tabernacle weighed a talent of gold itself, or 30 kilograms. A ton of gold is 32,150.7 ounces. Utilizing the gold and silver spot prices on July 8th, 2021 (which we know are heavily manipulated and not representative of reality but lets do it anyways) at $1,806.21 and $25.92, respectively, the value of the ton of gold would be more than $58 million and the silver more than $3.1 million. Now, if we analyze the gold and silver value at what the U.S. Debt Clock estimates gold and silver should be priced at (absent the price suppression of actions of the Central Bank/LBMA/Bullion Bank corrupt system) with gold at $21,833 an ounce and silver at $3,088 an ounce, the value of the gold and silver in the tabernacle would have been been just over a billion dollars in today’s USD value. The golden lampstand that weighed one talent of gold, or 30 kilos, would be valued at more than $1.7 million dollars based on the spot price of a Kilo of $57,961.08 and based on the U.S. Debt Clock estimated value for gold, over $21 million dollars.
The Israelites who fled Egypt were far from poor but dedicated their gold and silver to something more important than economics through their journey through the desert. Their gold and silver was dedicated to God, demonstrating the extreme degree of importance they placed in these precious metals.
Analysis: Regardless of one’s belief in God, the Bible, or the legitimacy and precise accuracy of the stories contained therein, this story is representative of a few basic realities. The ancient world valued both gold and silver very highly. Neither gold or silver would have been given such a definitive weight in the bible had they not been nor would it have been utilized in such a revered place by the Israelites if its intrinsic value was not considered high enough for the likes of God himself. It would not have been recorded either had it not had such a significant importance to the Israelites.
As witnessed in Bullion TP’s writings about the Aztecs and Incas as well as many other case studies of civilization throughout the world, the Israelites were not alone in their reverence of gold and silver and their heavy use of it in their religious customs. These early examples of the importance of gold and silver to societies and cultures in their religious worship demonstrates the intrinsic value of gold and silver to humanity throughout the ages and why the People chose to make it money in nearly every advanced organized society in the world. It is why many religions of today continue to utilize gold and silver in their rituals and why many others, in opposition to tying agreed upon wealth to religious practice, reject such a practice out of their own conscience.
Directly and indirectly, both views are acknowledging something we all already know. Gold and silver are money.
Bullion TP