The Industrial Uses for Silver
As mentioned in Bullion TP’s exploration of the push to get silver out of U.S. coinage, silver is not only useful as an intrinsic store of value going back millennia, it is also useful in the production of many specialty manufactured items in a variety of different industries. As many are aware, silver is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. This is because the atoms that make up a piece of silver will have many free electrons that can be moved by applying heat or voltage across it. In addition to silver’s excellent conductivity, it is also naturally antimicrobial and antiviral. Silver nanoparticles have historically been studied for their antimicrobial potential against bacteria, which has been conclusively proven, but silver has also proven to be active against several types of viruses including HIV, hepatitis B virus, herpes simplex virus, respiratory syncytial virus, and monkey pox virus, among others. Silver has recently been discovered to be effective against Covid 19 as well, but of course we aren’t hearing much about it as it doesn’t fit the narrative. These specific properties of silver drive what applications it is used for in manufacturing.
Silver is used in the solar industry in the solar cells themselves. Silver powder is transformed into a paste that is then loaded onto a silicon wafer. When light strikes the silicon wafer of silver, electrons are set free and the silver carries the electricity for immediate use or it is stored in batteries for later use.
Silver is used in nearly all types of electronic devices including printed circuit boards, light and other types of switches, and TV screens, among others. Silver membrane switches, which require only a light touch, are utilized in buttons on televisions, telephones, microwave ovens, children’s toys and computer keyboards. Silver is used on printed circuit boards for consumer items from mobile phones to computers, as silver-based inks and films are applied to composite boards to create electrical pathways. Silver-based inks also produce RFID tags (radio frequency identification), antennas used in hundreds of millions of products to prevent theft, control access and allow easy inventory control.
Silver catalysts are used in all sorts of manufacturing of specialty chemicals that go into all sorts of industrial applications along with the brazing and soldering of materials. Machinery that requires operating at high temperatures, such as jet engines, often utilize silver. It is estimated that over 90 million ounces of silver annually is used in the production of automobiles, primarily related to the electrical components found in modern automobiles.
Water purification, such as whole house water filters, utilize silver as a way to prevent bacteria and algae from building up in their filters so that they can do their job. This is also why silver is utilized in medical applications. Silver coatings are placed on medical devices such as breathing tubes and catheters to help fight infections. Silver is also applied to artificial bones and scaffolding to keep bones in place while they heal. Silver is found in bandages and ointments because it keeps bacteria at bay which allows the body to heal faster.
Lastly, silver continues to be utilized in x-rays and in the motion picture industry because of the excellent images, vibrant colors, and detail it enables.
With all these industrial uses of silver and an Oligarchic class that has no interest in paying its true value for production of goods, is it any wonder that silver’s price is artificially suppressed and we are discouraged from utilizing it for investment purposes? Is it surprising that it was phased out of our currency as a way to reduce its cost for manufacturing operations?
Analysis: Silver’s use in manufacturing items is not something that Bullion TP disagrees with, necessarily, but if silver’s true price were allowed to be discovered instead of the manipulated price we see daily, then industries that utilize it would likely either need to charge more for their products or services, which consumers would pay if the value was there, or find reasonable alternatives to silver that do exist in most situations. Artificial manipulation of any market creates inefficiencies and delays or the stifling of innovation as it amounts to subsidization in this instance and many others. Silver may be a miracle element, but if so its true value should be allowed to be discovered so society can determine its highest and best use based on supply and demand. If silver’s highest and best use is as currency, then the industry will adapt with or without it at its true price. If silver’s highest and best use is in industrial manufacturing applications, then those applications must be highly valued to account for silver’s value.
Industrial manufacturing utilizing silver and silver’s usage as a store of wealth, unit of account, and as a medium of exchange need not be adversarial as our government and its puppet masters have decided it is, but silver’s true price must be allowed to be discovered which it clearly has not been for decades now if not a century or longer.