The Intersection of Central Banking, Economic Aggregation, and Political Corruption

Bullion TP
3 min readJul 16, 2021


What is the most powerful organization in every country and who are the most powerful institutions globally? Most folks when asked this would say the President or Prime Minister of every country or equivalent on the national level and the UN at the global level. The problem with this answer is it ignores the fact that the number one thing rulers have never been able to change, without a printing press backing them, is that limited resources exist.

Every leader of every institution, be it a country, a bank, a corporation, an international entity, a NGO, or otherwise needs money to operate to pay its workers and further its own goals. How is the money in the United States, most other countries and globally controlled and created? By central banks in each respective country or region that roll up to the Bank of International Settlements, the central bank’s bank. Are the Central Banks limited in some capacity to how much currency they can create? In theory, they are limited by the political establishment who oversees them. In actuality, they are not limited at all in their money creation or removal from the money supply. They are printing fiat currency backed by nothing of intrinsic value. Intrinsic value being hard assets, such as Gold and Silver.

Who oversees the Central Banks and the BIS? The member central banks oversee the BIS and each central bank is overseen by the unique laws of each country, but in most countries the “oversight” amounts to elected representatives having appointment abilities and blocking abilities that ultimately seem to have little effect on the direction a central bank goes with monetary policy.

Is there an incentive for the Central Banks to heavily influence the local political and geopolitical environment to maintain their command and control economy and to stay in power with their ability to create currency out of thin air backed by nothing? Absolutely there is. Central banking was historically opposed by the majority of the population, witnessed by the Founding Fathers’ rejection of it and the abandonment of the charter of two prior central banks in the United States. Entire political movements in the USA and beyond have been built around restraining or ending central banking power.

Are Central Banks in a position to be able to influence the local and geopolitical establishment? Absolutely they are. The ability to print money with no limitations except those self imposed and the power this money gives the one printing it enables them to effectively bribe or influence people and institutions towards their desired policies and goals. They are able to influence and give loans to large corporations regardless of how terrible they are at running their business. Not being subjected to an audit as most Central Banks are exempt from, not only makes it impossible to remove this suspicion but it is also a lot easier to pay off local and geopolitical entities and people to get your way if no one can see what you are doing.

What other institutions in a country does the ability to print money out of thin air with no limits potentially affect? Nearly every institution imaginable, including political parties, politicians themselves, corporations, corporate leaders, the media, media professionals, government bureaucracy, government bureaucrats, educational institutions, educators, religions, and religious leaders. The list can literally go on and on as it includes any institution or people that require currency to operate and fulfill their goals and that is literally ALL OF THEM. Thinking that these entities are too good to take bribes or “funding” that comes with strings is incredibly naïve.

Do the People have legitimate historical cause for doubt in Central Banks? Again, absolutely they do. Central banking and its effects have been with us in some form for at least three centuries, arguably longer. While purporting to represent the best interests of humanity and collectively agreed upon economic goals, the track record of Central Banks has been terrible at best, intentionally destructive for selfish gains at worst.

The logic of Central Banking dominance over society and its ability to corrupt institutions and people is sound. Why We, the People, continue to allow them to operate given the facts, is not.



Bullion TP
Bullion TP

Written by Bullion TP

Bullion TP is a Patriot-owned online peer-to-peer marketplace for the exchange of precious metals and other valuables.

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