The Largest Silver Nugget Found in the USA; Aspen’s Smuggler Mine
As everyone keeps stacking going, with the goal of profit and breaking the corrupt financial system in two, imagine if you found a silver nugget that was 2,340 POUNDS (30,807 ounces of silver) that was 93% pure silver. One such silver nugget, the largest known silver nugget found in the USA, was discovered in 1894 in Colorado at the Smuggler Mine near Aspen, CO. Before Aspen became a retreat for those stealing the People’s wealth (yes, we said it, it’s true — we have been there several times and seen it), the Smuggler Mine helped the local economy and established the region in a much more honest way through silver mining. .
Silver was discovered in Colorado in the 1860’s with the first silver mining operation in Clear Creek Canyon in Georgetown, CO. Support for silver as a government policy was cemented with the passage of the Bland-Allison Act in 1878 authorizing the free coinage of silver, the demand rose dramatically and was aided by the discovery of a large silver lode in Leadville, CO. The Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 further extended the silver boom.
The Smuggler Mine’s operators who had acquired it through purchase, Aspen Town and Land Company, were also the founders of Aspen who sold lots for $10 a piece. Smuggler Mine was one of the most productive mines in Colorado but was hard hit by the silver price collapse in 1893, being one of the mines that survived the turmoil. At its peak, the Smuggler Mine was estimated to be producing 1/5th of all silver production in the world.
When the silver nugget was discovered in 1894, it was too large to be extracted from the mine intact so was broken into three pieces, the largest of which 1,840 pounds. Ignoring the paper price of silver as it is a complete fabrication, the value of 30,807 ounces at $35 an ounce in 2021 (the bare minimum of the true market price right now in Bullion TP’s view) is $1,078,269.50. If one utilizes the dollar to silver ratio from the U.S. Debt Clock, likely substantially closer to the true value of silver if its price was not so heavily manipulated, the value of the silver nugget on 6/18/2021 at $3,824 would be $118,116,721.80.
It is estimated that the Smuggler Mine still contains hundreds of thousands of tons of silver ore, a potential future benefit for the Aspen area economy should silver continue to rise in price as we all expect it to.