Who was Lord Rothschild of the Panic of 1907 and who are the Rothschilds?

Bullion TP
4 min readJun 14, 2021


The Family that OWNS You

Previously, Bullion TP presented the Panic of 1907 and how it assisted in grooming the populace for the need of a central bank, a theory rejected twice in the past by the People in allowing the First and Second Banks of the United States charters to expire. JP Morgan was one of the major actors in the Panic of 1907 and one of his “masters” at the time was Lord Rothschild of England. So who was Lord Rothschild? Why was a guy back in England along with John D. Rockefeller in the U.S. coordinating with or instructing JP Morgan on how to run U.S. economic issues during the Panic of 1907?

Lord Rothschild, or Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild, 1st Baron de Rothschild, was the son of Lionel de Rothschild and the grandson of Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Nathan Mayer Rothschild was the founder of the Rothschild establishment in England. His father, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, was the founder of the Rothschild financial empire in Frankfurt Germany and sent his sons off to the capital cities of Europe’s most powerful states at the time to establish a European bank that coordinated interests between countries.

It is crucial to understand that the Rothschilds have many connected to their family through marriage and illegitimate children that were conceived over the years as they married or had relations with nobility in Europe and into wealthy families in the United States. The Rothschild family has historically been accused of funding both sides of wars and funding the instigation of conflicts in counties, of which there is legitimate evidence of.

Lord Rothschild’s father, Nathan, made a fortune betting correctly on the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo and utilized that fortune to bail out the Bank of England. Nathan is widely reported to have said “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, …The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.” As a result of Nathan’s power, reputation, and statements like above, a deep and lingering suspicion that the Rothschilds’ own or control the Bank of England has existed to this day. The secretiveness of the Bank of England and their often self-serving actions has not helped to quell this speculation.

Lord Rothschild himself was born in London 1840 and assumed the role as head of the family’s banking enterprise, NM Rothschild & Sons, in 1879 after the passing of his father, Lionel. Lord Rothschild funded Cecil Rhodes, an extremely controversial character who many attribute the massacres in Africa during the European colonial period when diamond extraction under the De Beers was ongoing and is thought to be the instigator if not architect of World War 1. Lord Rothschild was the first Rothschild to assume a title of nobility in England, the family noble titles before this being conveyed by Austria.

JP Morgan through his firm and Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. have historically been identified as agents of the Rothschild family, working diligently for their interests in the United States and beyond. It is curious that both of these men advocated the creation of a central bank after the 1907 Panic, especially considering the Rothschilds’ ties to the Bank of England and statements previously made attributed to the patriarch of their family in what was then Great Britain. If the reader is not aware, the Bank of England is a central bank like the United States’ Federal Reserve Bank.

Bullion TP appreciates that any mention of the Rothschild name is considered “conspiracy theory” and that many of the topics mentioned herein are controversial. That does not make them untrue and we encourage each reader to do their own research and come to their own conclusions. Bullion TP’s contention is that the Rothschild family have had extensive influence over financial, economic, geopolitical and domestic affairs in Europe, the United States, and beyond for quite some time and that a series of coincidences related to this family are not merely coincidences, but coordinated efforts to enact their will on others through the people and entities they control. These machinations continue to affect our monetary, political, and cultural lives in the United States to this day and nearly all of them are a detriment to our society and what is best for the People.

Bullion TP also once viewed these suspicions as a “conspiracy theory”, but over a decade of research into this topic has changed our minds. We strongly recommend that each person do their own research on the Rothschilds and their influence and power before condemning those simply seeing patterns and asking questions. The vicious attacks and accusations of anti-Semitism along with this family’s notorious secrecy are reasons enough to question what their role in national and global finance, politics, and economics is.

The question we leave you with is this: Is George Soros, famous wealth financier with international connections to nearly everyone of wealth and power including the Rothschilds, the modern JP Morgan? The patterns sure seem similar.



Bullion TP
Bullion TP

Written by Bullion TP

Bullion TP is a Patriot-owned online peer-to-peer marketplace for the exchange of precious metals and other valuables. https://www.bulliontradingpostlp.com

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